A Day In The Life Of An Ice Scramble Vendor

For the children in Hofilena Subd. Silay City, Manong Eduardo’s ice scramble was a part of their childhood and growing up years and some of his suki would always remember the familiar face of the man selling this wonderful summer treat that did not seem to change throughout the years. 

During the peak of summer heat, the ringing of Manong Eduardo’s bell announcing that his ice scramble was already here would bring the children running outside their homes with their cups on one hand and 5 pesos on the other hand. 

Manong Eduardo would begin preparing this special treat, he starts to shave the ice and pour the sweetened milk and chocolate on top of every cup. The children and even the adults find delight in quenching the summer heat with this refreshing treat even though it can be easily reproduced at home, but why bother?

During one of his rounds in the area, we were able to talk with Manong Eduardo and ask about his life and experience as an ice scramble vendor. He says that he has been in the business for 25 years already and was able to support his family through this trade alone. We were amazed with how he was able to support his children’s schooling even finishing their College through his hard work and determination. 

 We were truly inspired with his dedication to his family, as he advises others to not think only of one’s self but putting your family as priority, referring to those who spend their hard earned income on vices instead of bringing food to their homes and providing for their family’s needs.

As the sun rises in the morning it also signals the start of a new day for Manong Eduardo.  He has already prepared the materials needed for his ice scramble, the bike is set for another adventure or misadventure and as long as the sun shines and there is no hint of a heavy rain, life goes on for Manong Eduardo with his ice scramble cart bringing unexpected delight and smiles on the faces of children as well as nostalgia to adults who experienced the same anticipation when they were young as they wait for the ringing of the bell that signals Manong Eduardo’s ice scramble is here. 

How To Make Your Own Ice Scramble in 2 Easy Steps:



4 cups  Crushed Ice

⅔ cup Condensed Milk



Powdered Milk

Chocolate Syrup




Step 1: Shave the ice or you can buy a ready made crushed ice from the store.  Whisked it together with condensed milk and other sweeteners of your choice.


Step 2: Pour into serving glass and add toppings of your choice.


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